Monday, October 23, 2006 

Life in Politics

“I’ve acquired a lot of new friends this year,” Mr. Frank said. “And I haven’t gotten any nicer.”

What a great political quote. He's talking about how people expect the Democrats to gain control of the House, and how he stands to gain significant political power.

And for those of you who are, I haven't quit. I just haven't really had anything to say, or even if I did, the time to say it here.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 

They Took My Deodorant

First, let me establish my bona fides. I'm the guy who always thanks the airport security people after they search me. And I fully appreciate how important and thankless their job is.

So please realize my ire is directed not at them, but at their bosses in DC.

I just wenr through airport security, and they took my deodorant and my toothpaste. As if Right Guard and Crest were two synonyms for Al Queda and Hezb'allah. And me with a kipah.

I have two problems with this. The first is that evidently, under 3 oz. of liquid or gel is fine. As if 3 oz. of C-4 plastic explosive won't blow a big hole in an airplane. So my 2.75 oz. Edge Gel is good to go, but my 6 oz. bottle of toothpaste goes in the trash. How about they just have me eat some? No one would eat liquid explosives. But the trash it goes.

But the main problem I have is that we're fighting the last war. We're protecting ourselves against an attack that already was tried...and *failed*. They're going to try something else next time. Something we haven't thought of, and something we're not going to think of, because we're spending our time afraid of flouride.

Apropos of nothing whatsoever, anyone know where I can pick up some toothpaste and deodorant in Houston?